
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Hot Summer Reads (for teachers)

One thing I regret about my educational training thus far is that I have not read any education (methods/strategies/etc.) books out of my own intrinsic motivation (that's right, using teacher words here). Now, obviously there were books that I "read" for class, but if I'm going to be honest, most were outdated and/or didn't seem relevant at the time.

During student teaching, my supervising teacher recommended a book called Weakfish: Bullying Through the Eyes of a Child by Michael Dorn. I'll admit, at first I wasn't keen on the idea of reading a somewhat educational book outside of school. However, I was certainly glad I did. I really enjoyed this book as a pleasure read and it also taught me a lot about the impact school personnel can have on bullying. What do ya know!? I enjoyed it and I learned from it! Since then and since I have an official job, I find that I want to read more and more so that I can be a database of educational knowledge. Okay...I may have gone a little far there. But, I am feeling inspired.

Moral of the story I hit up Barnes and Noble for some books to read during these last few weeks of summer. Here is what I found:

The Essential 55: An Award Winning Educator's Rules for Discovering The Successful Student in Every Child by Ron Clark

Before I went out to buy books, I "researched" what I should look for. I saw Ron Clark's name on several outstanding teacher blogs so I figure this will be a great book. The book highlights 55 specific rules to use in your classroom. Looking forward to finding out what Ron Clark is all about in this book. Also, I bought a Workbook that goes along with it. Gave myself a little homework. :)

Teach Like a Champion by Doug Lemov

This was a book that was recommended to me by a fellow teacher friend. I began reading this today and like it so far. Though, I'm only on page I have a ways to go before I can make judgments. The book highlights 49 techniques to use in your classroom. What I really like about this is that he discusses techniques, not methods or theories. It's actual actions you can practice in your classroom right away. I definitely want to finish this book before summer is over. Stay tuned for a review in a week or so.

The Daily 5 and The Cafe Book by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser (The 2 Sisters)

I think I am  most excited about these two books. I've heard so much about the Daily 5 and have a little background knowledge on it, but I want to know more! I really want to incorporate this into my classroom this year so I know these two books will be essential for me. I'll share more once I read them!

So, if you are looking for some hot summer reads for your professional growth as a teacher, I would recommend you get out and look around because there is a lot of good stuff out there. Once I finish reading all of these books I'll let ya know my thoughts! Likewise, if you have read any of these books or other great books please let me know!!! Thanks for tuning in!

-Miss KindergarDunn

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